Chelsea Allis

To TV or Not to TV

Chelsea Allis
To TV or Not to TV

OK OK OK, I already hear you. Chelsea your kids do not need to watch tv or the other side is, “Hey girl, turn it on and never look back”.

I try to find a happy middle ground when it comes to screen time. Ya’ll the TV, IPad, and Phone can be a great tool in parenting. There are lots of educational apps (there are also really cute, or fun, or simply just time wasting apps too.) Just simply type toddler apps into a Pinterest search and the options are ENDLESS!

When Jim and I talk about parenting we use one quote- Our children ARE a blessing. This helps us decide everything. If we can go someplace or if we are too overwhelmed to play with a friend or if it’s just simply time for a nap. (I am working on a post about this statement so stay tuned… Or go find it, I could be done. :) )

Screens fall into the same camp. On Sundays we all check out from the hours of 1-4 it’s nap time here. Smith no longer takes a nap so some Sundays he gets the ipad. Y’all if I am asleep and Jim is watching football why can’t he have space to “vedge” too! We censor his intake and we let him have space in the same way we need it.

We do not have big rules on screen time here. We try to focus on play first! We do not spend time stressing about what we are not going to do. Some AMAZING play has come from watching the “Polar Express” and playing trains. Or watching “Doc McStuffins” and playing doctor. Seriously if your kid is afraid of the doctor put “Doc McStuffins” on! She will help you.


Believe you me if I am sick, sad, stressed, or simply my kids are not being nice to each other and I feel like I might murder them… the tv is 100% on.

People step back and look at your day. Let the big box in the other room help you. It isn’t the best parent so do not expect it to help them understand why people are mean, or sassy, or hurt each other… That’s your job. We need to be proactive in making sure the shows our littles watch are things we are willing to parent them through. If not “Little Einstein's” it is, seriously this show will drive you crazy but there is nothing that you will have to back track from.

We have started pre watching everything our kids watch. We struggle with sass, hitting, and lying in ANY SHOW! If a show has then we think much harder about letting our kids watch them. Find your rails and give yourself a little break. And seriously you know if your kids are watching too much! They turn into odd versions of themselves that can’t communicate and cry at the drop of a hat. We have gotten there before and we probably will again. All I am trying to say is Mom sometimes we need help and sometimes you only option is a show.

Don’t forget to thank the show when you are done :)

Adding a thought… after we were robbed of our tv we had about 4 weeks without a tv. Y’all it was wonderful! We played more, we laughed more, and the kids didn’t miss it one bit!!! I stick to what I said before in there are some days where the tv is needed!!!!! You do you BooBoo. - Kevin Hart